Personal Development

Stuck to Unstoppable

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you’ve been in the same place for what feels like forever? It hits you hard, and you start thinking about all the things you could do to shake off this feeling. You know you can’t stay stagnant for too long because you’re more than this. You have so many brilliant ideas. You’ll do this and go there. You’ll learn this to become that. This, that, this, that.

But there’s only one problem: you never actually do anything about it.

Ideas are nothing without execution, yet here you are, feeling stuck and trying to erase the feeling with daydreaming. Good strategy, right?

You want to be happier, healthier, prettier, and richer. You want to be better at your current job. You want to switch careers and work in a different company. You want to have a side-hustle income or start a whole new business – be an entrepreneur. You want to write a book or start a blog. You want to travel the world. You want to try new hobbies. You want to improve your relationships. You want to be better.

There are indeed so many things that you want to do, but you haven’t done them because, according to you, you don’t know how to start.

In this post, I will share three steps to help you start with just about anything you want to do (you name it!).

Know Yourself

All this while, you keep complaining about your circumstances – the situations that don’t help you start. But do you really know what you want and, more importantly, why you want it? The big “why” is very important. It’s the purpose that keeps you going, no matter the circumstances.

Listen to yourself with an open heart. Know yourself. Identify your values and tendencies.

Pick One Thing

Just pick one thing at a time to stay focused. After you achieve a level of awesomeness with your ‘one thing’, you can repeat the process with the next thing you want to be awesome at.

Don’t spend too long choosing and stop searching for the ‘passion’ because, let’s be frank, the search will never end. Just pick something that feels nearest. You will notice that your nearest thing aligns with your values and tendencies. Your nearest thing is also the main contributor to your other goals. At this point, it doesn’t matter if you’re not the best at that thing because once you start, you will climb the ladder.

If you already know your one thing, even better. Why haven’t you started already?

Practice Daily

Be consistent and have an accountability system. Practice every single day. Make plans and execute them. You might fail in certain ways, and that’s okay. Make a new plan and execute it once more. Do it and keep doing it. You’ll be the best in no time.

Stop saying you’re fine with not getting what you want and stop making excuses. Pursue the dream. Be awesome!

With that, there’s only one more thing I can tell you right now: Just. F-in. Start.


    1. Pretty much everyone!

  1. […] You can do anything you want. You can try everything but choose few (one or two) to focus. Choose the right thing, know your calling. Do your best at those things, you’ll be great. Read: Stop Thinking, Start Doing […]

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