
Essentials for Minimalist Survival: Apocalypse Edition

The pandemic has taught me one of the most valuable lessons – tough times make you reconsider what’s important in your life. Priorities shift towards relationships, different types of commitments, and material possessions.

Staying at home most of the time during the initial phase of COVID-19 made me realise that I don’t need a lot of stuff. If I were to pack a bag to go through a similar period again, these are the things I would bring with me.


I am short-sighted, with a prescription of -5.75 dioptres for both eyes. Every morning, I need my glasses to see clearly. During the day, I wear contact lenses because they are more comfortable with my hijab, as glasses tend to cause headaches when slipped under it. Contact lenses also make me look prettier, but they would likely be harder to manage daily in an apocalyptic scenario or war zone.

Phone or Laptop

I want to be able to write every day and, of course, consume content by reading the Quran, listening to audio, and watching videos. Currently, I do the consuming part with my phone, and the creating with my laptop. However, I’m uncertain if electricity and the internet would still be available during chaotic times.

Pen and Paper

If I can’t have a phone or a laptop, then let’s get even more basic. A pen and paper, whether a notebook, journal, or loose sheets. Even in this digital age, I do my ‘thinking’ with a pen on paper. They are like my second brain, an extension of myself and my storage. I pray that I will have access to pens and paper until the day I die.


As I list this down, my heart is filled with gratitude because I have always slept on a comfortable bed. I cannot imagine sleeping on the floor or on thin, uncomfortable bedding with no privacy. At the very least, I need a space or corner I can call my own. In an apocalypse, I would sleep in a sleeping bag under a bridge, in a big old cupboard, or perhaps under a large table.

Shariah-Compliant Clothing

If I could only have one thing, this would be it. I need clothing to cover my body, pray, and go out to see the world. For shoes, I could live with a pair of slippers. Malaysia’s climate is equatorial, hot, and humid throughout the year, so you don’t really need shoes unless you’re in the jungle. And even then, jungle dwellers are often barefoot.

Beauty Products

I know this is cheating since I mentioned five things in the title, and some might think beauty products aren’t essential, especially during an apocalypse. However, I need beauty products to have a good day. This includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, shower foam, shampoo, facial cleanser, moisturiser, sunblock, and lipstick. Perhaps I could simplify by using the same liquid cleanser for my body, hair, and face. Still, moisturiser and lipstick would be necessary. I’ve been wearing them daily since high school, and losing them would feel like losing a part of my identity.

Reflecting on this list, I’ve come to understand that this is my bare minimum – I can survive with just these 5-6 items. Whenever I make excuses for not having certain things in my life to progress further, this post will remind me that I already have everything I truly need.

No one will survive the apocalypse when it happens, but knowing what I can’t live without helps me appreciate the simple things in life and be grateful for what I have.

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